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How to Show Demonstrated Interest to Prospective Colleges
Most students and families are aware that they need to have good grades, be involved in extracurriculars, and get good test scores to go to their choice college. However, one often overlooked factor is showing demonstrated interest. Demonstrated interest is essentially showing colleges you’re enthusiastic or have an interest in their school before you even send in your application. As college admissions get more competitive each year, particularly at selective universities, it’s in your best interest to do everything you can to increase your chances of getting into your dream school. The following are some ways that you can start showing demonstrated interest:

How AP Classes can help you get ahead in College.
Find out how beneficial AP scores can be when it comes to getting ahead in college credits and classes.

AP Classes vs AP Scores
A debrief on how AP Classes can affect your college application more significantly than the AP score, and distinguishing the difference between

What is Need-Blind Financial Aid?
By: Isabel Sipkema, Biology and Educational Studies at Rhodes College ‘22

Different Ways to Apply and Applying Early
All of the application deadlines can get confusing. This is why it is quintessential to know the differences between the ways in which you can apply and the benefits of applying early.

Why is the ACT the right test for you?
The ACT and SAT are two of the most common standardized tests for college admissions. One of the things we stress at Brains and Brawn is choosing the right test for you! Everyone’s different, so some students may do better on one test than the other. The best way to figure which one works best for you is to take a practice test from each test and then compare your scores and how you felt about each one. However, the information below can be helpful if you’re in crunch for time or are just curious about what makes the ACT unique.

5 Tips for the ACT Science Section
ACT Science is probably the most dreaded section on any standardized test. It is unlike any other section or exam that you have taken before. But with good study practices and employing a few special tactics, it can easily become the easiest for you.

Some tips and information that will help with the process of how to ask teachers to write recommendations for you

Should you Take the SAT/ACT with Writing?
Unsure if you should take the SAT/ACT writing or not? Read this article to figure out what you should do!