Brains and Brawn Blog

Why is the ACT the right test for you?

The ACT and SAT are two of the most common standardized tests for college admissions. One of the things we stress at Brains and Brawn is choosing the right test for you! Everyone’s different, so some students may do better on one test than the other. The best way to figure which one works best for you is to take a practice test from each test and then compare your scores and how you felt about each one. However, the information below can be helpful if you’re in crunch for time or are just curious about what makes the ACT unique. 

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The ACT and SAT are both timed standardized tests used for college admissions, so it’s really important to know how long you can afford to spend per question. Knowing the timing differences between the two tests can also be one factor you consider when choosing the right one for you. Additionally, make sure you do timed practice tests so you can work on time management and managing stress on the actual exam.   

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Many students look at math as the bane of their academic existence. So having to take a nearly 2-hour long test just on math can be an extremely daunting (and honestly annoying) task. But, if you go into your study sessions with the right strategies on your side and a good attitude, you can easily maximize each study session to get your best score possible!

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