How to Get Involved in College

Entering a new and unknown campus can be very confusing and chaotic. Everyone is trying to find their place and it’s hard to figure out where to start to get involved. This is why it is important to know where to look to get involved on your college campus.
By: Katelyn Pramberger, Political Science and Human and Organizational Development at Vanderbilt University, 2023
Look on Your College’s Website at Their List of Organizations
The first step to getting involved is to research and find which clubs you are interested in. Every school’s website has some kind of student organization center with a full list of the clubs and organizations offered at the school. Once you find a few clubs you are interested in, sign up for their information sessions and attend their general meetings. These meetings will give you more information on the club and you will be able to see other students who are also interested in the club.
Look on Campus:
Look at Flyers, Social Media Posts, and Events from Different Organizations
This may seem very intuitive, but another great way to get involved is to look around campus and see which organizations host events you are interested in. Check bulletin boards for invitations and attend events for organizations that interest you. Social Media is also a great outlet for finding organizations and club members you may know or look familiar on campus
See which clubs your friends are interested in
Going to a club’s general body meeting alone can be a little daunting so why not bring a friend! Many of the clubs I am currently in, I found out from a friend or fellow member of the club. Going to an event with a friend is a great way to both socialize and get involved is something you are interested in. Word of mouth is also a great way to hear about clubs that may interest you. Your RA, Academic Advisor, or even someone on your floor can be a great resource for information about events and clubs you may not have known about previously,
These are all great techniques to get involved in and I hope they help you in your future endeavors.
Best of luck!