10 Days Until the Deadline...

The summer is upon us, but for most students, their summer has already been going for months. Making this summer count is important; it’s historically long and leveraging the extra time in a beneficial way is something many students are not doing. However, we’re only 10 days away from the registration deadline for the first ACT of the summer. The deadline for registering is 6/19, and the test date is 7/18. You can register here.

If your high school student has been spending more time on Netflix than studying, there’s no need to worry. We’re offering a 1 week intensive ACT boot camp that wraps up 7/17. It’s designed to coincide perfectly with the test date, and it’s the best way to get ready for the real test. Experience the difference made by working with the best. Led by top 1% scoring tutors, our average students see a 5 point improvement on their ACT scores. The course is entirely remote, so there’s no need to leave the comfort of your home. We supply all books and curriculum, and we’re offering huge discounts due to the remote learning environment.

Connect with our team today for a $100 off coupon!

- Mark Wilson, Director of Curriculum Development and Design

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